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CS-1400 with Ruiz

Welcome Students!

I created this site as a reference for my students as they complete their programming assignments. It is not an exhaustive Python tutorial, nor is it a replacement for our approved textbook.

  • In the main menu, you’ll find programming topics organized into sections.
  • In the top menu, you can use the search bar to find specific information.

Programming Feedback

I have created and deployed two “code bots” that live in our assignment repositories on GitHub. Each time you submit (commit) your program, They both scan it for any possible errors. They will comment their observations and suggestions in the Feedback conversation, under the Pull Request tab. I hope their instant and actionable feedback helps every one of my students with the most difficult part of programming: debugging.

  1. Python Docs: The definitive resource for anything and everything Python.
  2. Python Tutor: An excellent visual debugger that lets you step through your program one line at a time. You can see exactly what is happening in memory, allowing you quickly identify and fix logic errors.
  3. An online, fully featured IDE that allows you to program anywhere you have internet access, even if you can’t install software on your machine.
  4. SoloLearn Tutorials: A free, high-quality, and interactive tutorial I often recommend to students.
  5. GitHub: A platform that hosts code remotely, allowing collaboration, automation, deployment, and more.