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CS-1400 Project 5

Project 5: Turtle Graphics 2


Problem Statement

We all seen pictures where inside one picture is a smaller version of another picture or the same picture to infinity. Algorithmically, the best way to think about that problem is in terms of size, position and orientation. The normal-size scene has a particular size, starting position and orientation (horizontal, let’s say). The smaller version is the same thing, but with a different size, starting position and possibly orientation. This leads us to think about size, position and orientation as parameters of drawing a scene, where the parameters can change. The trick is to think about how you want to make a turtle draw something at the expected position, size and orientation.

For this project, you will draw a smaller scene inside your original scene.

Your program will:


  1. Develop your algorithm in detail before writing any code. Read the problem statement closely several times to make sure you understand all the small details and requirements.

  2. Open your assignment repository from Project 2: Turtle Graphics. Copy your source code from that project, and paste it into this project’s src/ file. You will modify and add to that code for this project.

  3. Accept the assignment in GitHub by opening the Assignment Invitation URL link provided in your Canvas assignment.
    • This video provides step-by-step directions for completing GitHub assignments.
  4. From inside your GitHub repository, click the Work in button.

  5. Open the file in the src directory, and begin coding your solution.

  6. Execute your finished program, and capture a screenshot of your finished scene.

  7. Update the module docstring with your information.

  8. Click the Version Control icon in the left menu, type a memo in the What did you change text box, then click Commit & push

  9. Upload the screenshot of your finished turtle scene to the screenshot directory.

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