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CS-1400 Instructor Guide


The CS-1400 GitHub Organization is a collection of items that come together to create a “one-stop-shop” for CS-1400 Projects, grading, student reference materials, and instructor guides. This centralized location allows high-level maintenance in one spot by a designated person, which will immediately be available to all other instructors.

  • In the main menu to the left, you’ll find information organized by topic.
  • In the top menu, you can use the search bar to find specific information.

GitHub Classroom Overview

The CS-1400 assignment repositories (linked in the main menu) have been modified specifically for GitHub Classroom integration. GitHub classroom, and an upgrade to GitHub PRO plan is free of charge for instructors. Students receive the upgrade free as well. GitHub has also prepared an instructor training module for using GitHub Classroom.

Student Feedback Features

Included in each project repository are two “code bots” that give immediate, specific, and actionable feedback to students. One checks for logic and output formatting errors, and the other checks for style and syntax errors. They interact with the students in a “Feedback” conversation that is automatically generated. They don’t just inform the student there are errors, they walk them though how to fix them. Learn more in this video.

Online IDE Integration

These assignments have been designed to integrate with the online IDE This allows students to complete programming assignments without installing any software on their machines.

Student’s private GitHub assignment repositories are cloned into a private repository at the push of a button. Replit allows instructors to open the student’s private replit repository, where they can code and chat with the students. This provides students with invaluable one-on-one, real-time assistance. Instructors can also review a student’s minute-by-minute record of development in the repository, which lays bare any plagiarism that may have occured.