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Instructor Preparation

Table of contents

  1. Overview
  2. GitHub
  3. Canvas


Instructors will need to set up their GitHub assignments before the students can access and complete them. First, they will need to create and upgrade both their GitHub and GitHub Classroom account. Next, they’ll create student assignments through GitHub classroom for each pre-made project repository. Lastly, they’ll need to add the GitHub URL for each programming assignment into their Canvas class assignments.


  1. Create and/or upgrade your GitHub account.
  2. Optional: Complete GitHub Teacher Training.

  3. The course mentor will invite you to join the CS-1400 GitHub Organization. The invitation will be sent to the primary email listed on your GitHub account. You must open and accept the invitiation.

  4. Create a GitHub Classroom using the CS-1400 GitHub Organization:
  5. Add the student roster, and any TA’s/graders that will need access to the classroom:
  6. Create individual assignment(s) for each assignment repository:
    • Required Assignment Configurations


For each GitHub assignment, update the GitHub Assignment Invitation URL in Canvas:

    • Where to get the URL

      The GitHub Assignment Interface:

    • Where to put the URL

      The canvas assignment's link options menu: