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Student Preparation

Table of contents

  1. Overview
  2. GitHub Account
  3. Replit Account
  4. GitHub Orientation


Students need to create & upgrade their GitHub and replit accounts, which are free. Then, they should complete an easy, low-stakes GitHub assignment to become familiar with the GitHub assignment process.

Video Walk-through of the student process:

GitHub Account

  1. First, students will need to create a GitHub account (if they don’t already have one).
  2. Next, they will need to add their official school email to their GitHub account.
  3. Lastly, they will need to upgrade their GitHub account by applying for GitHub student benefits. This will upgrade their accounts to GitHub PRO at no cost.

Replit Account

Students need to create a “Hacker” account on replit by following this link, and clicking the green button.

  • NOTE: The upgrade will only work if the student has already been approved for GitHub PRO.

GitHub Orientation

The GitHub Orientation assignment allows students to use and learn the GitHub assignment process. It is a simple assignment that asks the student to calculate and output simple arithmetic, and to add one comment.