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Automated Feedback

Table of contents

  1. Overview
  2. Syntax/Style Bot
  3. Logic/Output Bot
  4. Bot Independence


Project repositories include two “code bots” that give immediate and actionable feedback to students. One checks for logic and output formatting errors, and the other checks for style and syntax errors. This happens automatically each time a student submits their program.

The bots interact with the students in the Feedback conversation that is automatically generated in the pull requests tab. They don’t just inform the student there are errors, they walk them though how to fix them. Learn more in this video:

Syntax/Style Bot

The Syntax/Style bot is an app that is uploaded to Heroku and installed as a webhook in the CS-1400 GitHub Organization. The bot’s GitHub account is also added as a collaborator to the organization.

  • In the webhooks section of the settings tab oin CS-1400 GitHub organization is where all the hook details are. You can open and inspect the webhook management page if you are an admin on the organization.

Logic/Output Bot

The Logic/Output bot is created in the automation code stored on each repository (.github/workflows/workflow.yml). This bot requires no installation or additional accounts in the organization.

Bot Independence

Each bot works independently of the other. You can remove the Logic/Output Bot from an assignment if needed:

  1. Open .github/workflows/workflow.yml file in the assignment template
  2. Find and delete these these lines of code from the file: